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# Bacterial production in microcosm experiments
# PI: Mary Ann Moran (UGA); Co-PIs: Ronald Kiene (DISL) and William Whitman (UGA)
# Version: 19 Nov 2012
# Notes: Volume (l) = 0.0015; Final Leucine Conc = 20 nM; C:S ratio = 248;
#   y = 117 Ci/mmol; bacterial 7 Ci/mmol; bacterial growth efficiency = 15%.
# 	 dpm = disintegrations per minute
# Started using diluted stock at start of exp_day = T3 (specific activity = 29.25)
exp_id  lat        lon        site_desc                                                     
DICE    30.05068   -87.99513  Gulf_of_Mexico;_20_km_offshore_from_Dauphin_Island_Alabama